3 Essential Hotel Tips to Enhance the Experience of Your Guests 1

3 Essential Hotel Tips to Enhance the Experience of Your Guests

An optimal guest experience is the pulse of the hospitality industry. Getting those 5-star reviews and trying to convince 1-star reviewers that the next experience will be better is a part of life for a hotel management team. Today, we are going to consider three essential tips to help you improve your guest experience and bring repeat business to your hotel:

  1. Increase the value of the stay through add-ons – doing this right means understanding what your hotel guests want. It is more than the drive-thru guy asking, “Do you want fries with that?” You need to offer add-ons your guests will appreciate enough to be willing to pay more for. Make it simple to see and purchase any of the upgrades or packages when they are booking the room. Hold back a few exclusive opportunities for direct bookings to keep guests coming back to your site, rather than going through a third party.
  2. Customize the experience – instead of telling a guest what perks come with their stay, give them options. Let them choose a pillow type or material. Offer the option of a cocktail on arrival instead of breakfast the next morning. Mix it up, your guests love options.
  3. Partner with local businesses – for chain hotels, find a partner to offer a local turndown gift in the room – something they only get at that particular location. Guests love this common feature of the vacation rentals you are competing with. Then, prepare experiences for the guest to choose from ( including tours, classes, local cuisine, and the like). Make sure these are exclusive offers for your hotel guests.

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