
3 Tips for Hotel Blog Success

In the past, we’ve explained why it is essential for every hospitality business to have a blog. Today, we want to share a few tips to help make your blog successful at accomplishing the goals of engagement and reach. Here are three things to consider:

  • Have a regular schedule – Readers love consistency, and so do search engines. So even if your articles are not getting as many hits as you want from day one, keep at it. Regular posts will get the attention of search engines, and cross-posting that content to your social outlets on set days will ensure your followers don’t miss your content.
  • Become an industry authority – Take an example from our blog. We don’t make every post about hotel supplies. Most of our content is centered around the hospitality industry as a whole. The point of your blog is to provide information. It’s not a sales pitch. You can provide contact info at the conclusion of each article.
  • Share quality content – You need to engage your audience. Once they know you have the best hotel content, they will subscribe to your blog or follow your social accounts, so they don’t miss your posts.

By following these steps, you will gradually build your reach and engagement organically.

Let Us Help You Get Ready for All Those New Visitors

A1 American can help you prepare for all those new travelers your blog will bring into your hotel. We have all the hospitality supplies you need, from the rooms to the restaurant to the fitness center. Just call 833.205.2200 to start your order. And don’t forget to check out our hospitality catalog!

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