Booking hotel website a1

Bolstering Your Hotel Website to Combat Recession

The travel industry saw perhaps the biggest downturn in history during the pandemic. Now, travel is surging to all-time highs! But what if the spread of the coronavirus spikes after summer travel, or what if there is just a more generalized recession in the economy? Let’s look at a few ways you can use your hotel website to give your hotel long-term staying power:

  • Offer the best price for direct bookings – be sure your website prices are always equal to or better than what a consumer finds on OTAs. They will usually search an OTA first, so they will know if there is a better deal than what you offer in a direct booking.
  • Customize the user experience – offer packages for direct bookings that are not available anywhere else. Let guests customize their stay with meals, experiences, spa treatments, choice of view, and other upgrades.
  • Create a sense of urgency – sometimes, one member of the couple is searching without their partner present. Creating a sense of urgency can result in a booking rather than someone “just looking.” Use countdown timers on offers and price-in flexible cancelation policies, so they feel comfortable booking immediately and discussing the travel plans later.

Stay Well-Supplied and Ready for Guests

A1 American is here with the top-quality hotel supplies you need. From sustainable hotel supplies to essential care products that can help your staff to navigate whatever variant comes around next, we’re here to help you run a successful hotel. Call 833.205.2200 to learn more or to get your order started with an insightful A1 American representative!

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