
Hindsight 2020: The year that changed everything except for the A1 American Standard.

2020, what a year it was and what a story it has been for all of us. While there were many difficulties maneuvering the global changes that came about, there were also many solutions that arose to directly tackle the inherent need for essential safety items. A 1 American’s story includes the strategic merger between A-1 Textiles & Hospitality Products and American Associated Companies in pursuit of new partnerships that yield multiple product solutions; we have since become a leading and single source hub for essential care products and other necessary items within the Hospitality, Healthcare, Commercial Laundry, Fitness & Vacation Rental markets.


It was during the pandemic when Al American’s own essential care product line was born -the A1 American Defender Collection – which served as a paramount means of individual safety and facility protection for all parties. With the sweeping pandemic that took an economical toll on many businesses, to the changes that occurred as consequences of it, 2020 was the year that everything changed, everything except for the Al American standard.

Al American has been a leading source and provider of vital necessities within the hospitality industry. Yet as 2020 unfolded, our team foresaw the urgent demand for PPE supplies that would keep staff and personnel safe and healthy- not only in assisting hotels and other businesses to stay open, but also in minimizing risk impact caused by the pandemic.

The development and promotion of our Defender Collection line was also able to keep our own doors open and provide financial security and protection to our employees and their families as well as our clients.

In addition to being a preferred and reliably endorsed PPE provider for many top tier hotel brands, our team launched our new website at the crux of the crisis to help in the purchase and distribution of a vast variety of essential care items and hospitality products for our customers as well as new industries. Our line of essential products was developed specifically to target the fluctuating demand for PPE, while equipping facilities to address the growing concerns and demands for safety and protection.

While the year 2020 was an unforeseen chapter in all our lives, it also created a new demand for essential service supplies and paved way into new markets for the company. In these trying times that offset the welfare of many businesses and individuals alike, Al American’s story has been positive as we pioneer our business into new environments. In an unsure world where frequently, standards varied, Al American has continued to maintain its standard of QUALITY, SERVICE and VALUE as we welcome a safe and prosperous 2021 for all ahead.

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