
Is Your Hospitality Brand Prepared to Handle a PR Crisis?

From a hack that results in the loss of customer credit card information to a rogue employee who gets on the brand’s socials and sends out some controversial posts, there are a lot of ways for a hospitality company to end up facing a PR crisis. Rather than winging it and potentially making things worse, here are a few tips we’ve compiled together, so you can have a strategy in place beforehand:

  • Don’t ignore it – it almost never goes well when a company tries to sweep a PR issue under the rug. Being quick to apologize and take responsibility often goes a much longer way toward clearing the air with consumers.
  • Communicate clearly – always communicate in a calm manner; there’s never a time when it is okay to attack the public verbally. Ensure people know who to contact if they have questions about what happened. If you have hired an agency to assist, let everyone know how to contact that agency.
  • Honesty is the best policy – the truth usually comes out anyway, so staying ahead of things and telling the honest story is going to resonate best with consumers. It may even help improve trust in your brand, even if the initial facts of what happened are embarrassing for the company.

Keep Offering Great Experiences

It is also crucial that you keep offering great experiences at your hotel. Don’t give people further reasons to speak out against your brand during a crisis. The right hotel supplies can make a huge difference. A1 American can help. Get in touch today by calling 833.205.2200 to speak to a friendly and informed team member. We offer what you need to keep hotel guests comfortable and safe.

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