Mandating the COVID-19 Vaccine - What Do Travel Advisors Think 1

Mandating the COVID-19 Vaccine: What Do Travel Advisors Think?

Hotels, cruise lines, airlines, spas, and other hospitality businesses have a difficult decision to make regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. It is clear that the vaccine can help to curb the pandemic. However, are embattled hospitality businesses willing to potentially alienate travelers who don’t want to get vaccinated? Clearly, a high vaccination rate is how we get back to safe travel and get the revenue of hospitality businesses back to where it should be. So what do travel advisors recommend? Here are some factors that come into play:

  • Personal Choice – while it is true that the vaccine is our top defense against the spread of the virus, you don’t want your business to make a personal choice for travelers. Each individual/household must weigh their options and make their own medical decisions.
  • Availability – this is especially true for families with children who are too young to get the vaccine. What would be your reasoning if you told families with young children that they couldn’t use your hotel simply because their kids were too young to get the vaccine? Would you risk the double standard of mandating vaccines for adults or even those ages 12 and up but allowing families with children to travel unvaccinated?
  • Enforcement – are you going to require uploading proof of vaccination at booking? Will you turn someone away if they arrive and don’t have their vaccination card on them?

Mandating vaccination at your hospitality business is a slippery slope. The vaccine is good for your business and for people in general, but travel advisors provide these reasons for waiting before implementing a vaccination mandate for your hotel.

Keep Your Staff and Guests as Safe as Possible

In the meantime, essential care products and good housekeeping practices can protect your staff and guests as much as possible. A1 American is proud to offer the hotel supplies you need to keep things spotless during and after the pandemic.

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