
New Venture Fund to Provide Tech for Europe’s Travel Startups

There’s a new venture fund in town with a lot of money to pour into Europe’s tourism industry. What are the main trends that they hope to capitalize on with their tech investments? Here are the top three trends they are focused on with travel tech.

  • The Digital Nomad – The pandemic rapidly increased a growing trend, that of people who work remotely. Thus, there are more and more people traveling on a long-term basis because they can bring work with them. This is giving rise to new tech needs in the travel industry that can accommodate someone who will be working (maybe even full time) while traveling for weeks or months on end.
  • Sustainability – People want to travel in a more sustainable way but don’t know how. The travel industry wants to meet this need. Tech can play a big role in helping the travel industry to leave less of a footprint and to provide the kind of travel that consumers want and need.
  • Corporate Travel – Corporations are cutting their travel budgets after having to spend almost nothing on travel during the pandemic. As a result, the travel industry is going to have to use technology to find ways to still make money on corporate travel, especially since this was a massive part of the industry’s profit prior to the pandemic.

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