The Impact of Millennials on the Hospitality Industry 1

The Impact of Millennials on the Hospitality Industry

Baby Boomers were really the first generation with the time or money to enjoy leisure travel on a regular basis. And much of the hospitality industry as we know it today grew around the demands of that generation. However, Millennials are now the largest generation by population in the US, and they want very different things from travel. What are a few ways you can adapt your hotel using tech to meet the changing demands? Studies show that these alternatives are the way to get Millennial support and bookings:

  • Screencasting – many in the Millennial generation won’t pay for cable, don’t want to see commercials, and find the TV set up in hotels to be archaic. Here’s a tip. You can save your hotel a cable bill if you just replace network television with a simplified system for guests to screencast from their own device to the TV you put in the room. They pay for and watch their own content. You just provide the bigger screen.
  • Mobile tech – from opening the room door without one of those annoying keys to changing the heat and air without playing around with dials that the housekeeper hopefully disinfected, there are plenty of ways you can use a mobile app to create an experience tailored to the desires of a Millennial guest.
  • Free Wi-Fi – not having free Wi-Fi nowadays is like charging extra to put pillows on the bed.

Get the Supplies to Welcome Travelers to Your Hotel

Besides tech, you also need to think about health and sustainability. A1 American can help with our outstanding hospitality supplies. We offer everything from PPE to protect your staff and guests to modern amenity dispensers that eliminate all those little plastic bottles. Give us a call today at 833.205.2200 to get in touch with an A1 American representative and start your order today.

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