
The Spanish Word That Will Change How Your Hospitality Business Operates

The hospitality industry requires a certain amount of scripting when it comes to employee/guest relations. You want things to be polite and not overly informal. You also want to have a well-trained staff who can handle an irate customer. But all too often, this training can lead the team to come off as a bit robotic.

Enter the Spanish word Sentipesante. There’s no real way to translate it into English, but Google tries its best. The result is “thinking-feeling.” Yes, you need your staff to logically be able to go through a mental Rolodex of replies that meet your brand image. But you don’t want to take away the personal connection that comes from human contact. Otherwise, you may as well go to a fully robotic hotel (we recently published an article about why they are struggling to catch on).

Think about all the reasons why people are traveling to your hotel. They are getting away from the cold, calculating business world. They are visiting family or friends. They want to connect to nature or local culture. And yet, we often take all that emotion away in the customer service process and deliver a sterilized version of human contact.

Maybe there is more to customer service than just saying the right words.

Convey the Right Message for Your Hotel

A1 American can help you to stay on brand throughout your hotel with top-quality supplies. Get in touch today by calling 833.205.2200 to get in touch with an A1 rep who can tell you more or to help get your order started.

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