Tips for Creating Customers from Social Media Followers !

Tips for Creating Customers from Social Media Followers 

You may have been able to amass a huge following on social media, but that doesn’t mean all those followers are staying at your hotels. How can you turn a social media following into an army of loyal customers? Here are some of the top tips for converting followers into customers.

  • Provide online customer services – When followers see you providing good service to customers, that may move them to feel confident trying your brand.
  • Engage your followers – If you want people to comment on your post and start a dialogue, the best way to do it is by asking questions. You could even turn it into a little market research. Ask things like, “What’s your ideal breakfast when on vacation?” or “Which do you think is better, a fluffy pillow or a semi-firm one?”
  • Have contests – Use giveaways to engage followers and have them create content or repost yours. Then reward the winners with discounts or even a free night. Winning a contest can turn a social media lurker into a customer and loyal brand advocate.
  • Partner with an influencer – Seeing an influencer showing up in the timeline may catch the attention of followers who have not made a decision about becoming a customer yet.

Once You Convert Sales from Social

A1 American is here to help your hotel offer the best experience with our top-quality hospitality supplies. We even offer a bed designer tutorial to help you create the perfect aesthetic for guests who love social media and will likely be posting pictures of the room during their stay. Give us a call today at 833.205.2200 to learn more.  

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