What Is a Flexcation and How Can Your Hotel Optimize Bookings By Doing It Right 1

What Is a Flexcation and How Can Your Hotel Optimize Bookings By Doing It Right?

VRBO released research involving what is now trending virally as a flexcation. About half of the survey responders said that flexible school schedules and the ability to work remotely have made the timing of vacations flexible. How can you capitalize on this pandemic-generated trend to optimize your hotel bookings?

There are a couple of things that students and remote workers need in order to take this type of trip:

  • Reliable high-speed Internet – hopefully, your hotel already offers this service. If you charge for high-speed connections, consider marketing it as a remote work or student package with the room. Of course, you can increase the room rate to compensate.
  • Office space – rather than simply having a desk and an office chair in the room, you will also want to consider the potential for adding a better e-learning experience or a movable wall to create a background for videoconferencing. Again, these could be amenities offered as part of a remote work or e-learning package.

Of course, you still have to compete with online travel agencies. Many who use such agencies are just taking the room with the best price. Target flexcationers with room packages that have what they need, and use direct market methods to draw travelers to your site for direct bookings. A landing page for the package that takes a person from an email click to a booking is a great way to do this.

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