
Will Expedia’s New Platform Be Beneficial for Hoteliers?

Hotels live on direct bookings. However, the industry recognizes the fact that online travel agencies are popular, and people are going to keep using them. Therefore, what these OTAs do in order to increase their bookings will impact the entire industry. So what about the new tech platform that Expedia recently announced. Let’s take a look at it so you can judge whether you think it is good or bad news for your hotel.

The platform is called Open World, and it is being promoted as a beneficial platform for any company with a rewards program, TikTok influencers, business travelers, specialty travel agents, and more. It is a full suite of eCommerce tech for partners to accept payments, challenge fraud, offer packages and services, and converse with potential travelers. It uses AI and machine learning to tailor the experience for each user. 

So I guess the answer to the question depends on whether this is the way your hotel wants to present itself to the travel world. The fact of the matter is that many travelers want a simple experience that bundles everything together. Even if your hotel offers solutions like that through direct bookings, you may also have to play along with OTA services like Open World in order to stay competitive.

Never Compromise on Hospitality Supplies

While the industry may demand compromise to allow OTAs to have their piece of the pie, A1 American is here so that you never have to compromise on the quality of your hospitality supplies. From rooms and janitorial staff to the fitness center and restaurant, we offer products that enhance the guest experience. We also offer a line of essential care products to keep your staff and guests safe. Give us a call today at 833.205.2200 to learn more.  

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