Blogging Hospitality Success

Why Blogging Is a Crucial Part of Your Hospitality Success

Digital marketing is a must for every business, and that includes vacation rentals, hotels, and other hospitality businesses. Here are a few reasons that blogging is an essential part of your digital marketing strategy.

  • Engagement – your blog gives you the opportunity to curate content that will be relevant to the interests of your potential guests. Keeping readers engaged also extends how long they are on your site, which signals to search engines you should rank higher.
  • Brand awareness – your blog gives you the opportunity to establish yourself as an authority in the industry. Thus, you don’t have to think about the blog as an opportunity to sell. You can write about suitable industry topics and just have a call to action at the end. It’s more important that they remember where they go for the best info.
  • Lead gen – if your blog attracts the intended audience, it’s going to result in some leads. So be sure there is a call to action or a way to contact you at the end of every article.
  • Cross-channel marketing – your blog content can be reused to save time and money on your social media accounts. For example, if you post a new blog on Monday, you can use a quote from the blog as a Twitter post. Then on Tuesday, you can share the blog on your Facebook page. The next day, you can do an ICYMI post on Twitter, linking to the article once again. So you get a lot of mileage out of your content, so to speak.

Hospitality Success Requires the Right Tools of the Trade

Besides digital marketing content, you also need the best hospitality supplies, and that’s where A1 American shines. Give us a call today at 833.205.2200 to get in touch with a friendly A1 American representative and learn more. Vacation rental owners and managers can also check out our specialized Vacation Catalog.

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