7 Essential Tips to Increase Your Hotel Marketing Efficiency

7 Essential Tips to Increase Your Hotel Marketing Efficiency

Marketing a hotel has never been a simple job and it’s even tougher to do now during a global pandemic. Here are seven essential tips to help you market your hotel in a smarter and more efficient manner.:

  1. Know what your guests want – if they want sustainability, highlight on the eco-friendly parts of your hotel. If they are worried about last-minute cancellations due to the pandemic, market your flexible policy.
  2. Have an easy-to-use website – should a customer needs a user manual for your website, it might be time for a redesign.
  3. Reward Direct Bookings – cut out the middleman by offering some sort of reward for booking on your site.
  4. Have a loyalty program – you want to go the extra mile for loyal customers and a loyalty program helps you to track who your best customers are so that you can show your appreciation.
  5. Make it simple to leave a review – if you want those 5-star reviews, make it easy for guests to provide a review.
  6. Hire a professional photographer – you want to make your hotel look as attractive as possible. Even if it is already stunning, a professional photographer can always make it look better.
  7. Keep a blog – this allows you to add regular updates to your website, which leads to more traffic and more direct bookings.

A1 American Is Here to Help

A1 American offers all the supplies that hotels need to continue to keep guests comfortable and provide a great experience. We also offer essential care products that help you to protect your guests and staff during the global pandemic. Call 833.205.2200 to get in touch with a friendly representative who can assist you with your order or to learn more.

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