8 Eco-Friendly Tips to Help Your Hotel Embrace the 2021 Green Trend 1

8 Eco-Friendly Tips to Help Your Hotel Embrace the 2021 Green Trend

How can your hotel move forward with the essential trend of environmentally friendly practices? Here are eight tips to get you started:

  1. Assemble a team – find out which of your employees is the most passionate about the environment and create a team to implement your new eco-friendly practices.
  2. Start with the easy stuff – update your recycling program to make it easy for guests to identify the proper bins. Add a station in the lobby where guests can fill their own water bottles, rather than buying disposable plastic bottles.
  3. Add electric charging stations in the parking lot. Update your shuttles to EVs or hybrid vehicles.
  4. Make conservation automatic – enable smart rooms to turn off lights if the guest forgets when leaving the room. Have the thermostat auto-adjust when guests are out.
  5. Use sustainable towels and bedding.
  6. Conserve water – one of the best ways to do this is by installing showerheads that limit water flow.
  7. Install toilets that reduce water usage by using fewer gallons per flush. Some toilets also have a separate flush that uses less water when a guest is flushing less.
  8. Make sure hotel appliances are certified energy-savers.

Get the Supplies You Need to Meet Modern Sustainability Trends

A1 American can help your hotel to be more earth-friendly. Check out our sustainable products for everything from the guestrooms to the restaurant. Give us a call at 833.205.2200 to get in touch with a friendly A1 representative who can help get your order started!

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