Are You Meeting These Vacation Rental Touchpoints 1

Are You Meeting These Vacation Rental Touchpoints?

Vacation rental owners need to start offering hospitality to potential clients long before the booking actually happens. Here are some of the contact points you will want to utilize, in order to best welcome potential guests to turn into longer stay bookings:

  • The search – ensure that your landing page is visually pleasing. This is the consumer’s first contact with your rental, and they will subconsciously connect their immediate experience and feeling to what they will enjoy (or dislike) at your rental.
  • Customer service – anticipate your guests’ needs to determine the information they will want to know. For example, while the pandemic is ongoing, no one wants to have to guess about your cancellation policy or your cleaning policy. So be upfront and transparent about additional fees and costs. If you are getting the same question over and over again, this information should be front and center on your site to clarify.
  • Keep it simple – the booking process should be so simple that once a person begins, nothing stops them. They will also equate how easy booking is to how simple check-in will be.
  • Deliver – once you get the booking, make sure your vacation rental delivers. That will result in another 5-star review for future travelers to base their decision on.

Turning Your Vacation Rental into a Sanctuary

A1 American can help with the right supplies to make your vacation rental inviting, comfortable, and safe for guests. Check out our full line of hospitality supplies as well as our essential care products to help navigate the pandemic. Then call 833.205.2200 to get in touch with a friendly and informed A1 American representative who can help get your order started today!

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