Customizing Your Hotel Social Media Accounts for Your Target Audience 1

Customizing Your Hotel Social Media Accounts for Your Target Audience

There are a ton of social media outlets for your hotel to choose from when it comes to interacting with potential guests. If you are looking for future bookings, you will want to connect with your target audience – people who will want to spend time at your hotel. We are about to help you identify which social media sites your potential guests are using so that you can focus your efforts in the right direction.

  • Facebook – This is the goliath of the social media companies boasting 2.7 billion active users each month. No matter who your audience is, you will probably find them here. However, the number one age group for Facebook users is 25-34.
  • Instagram – This is the other social giant, and that makes sense because it is owned by Meta (Facebook’s new rebranded name for its conglomerate of ventures). Instagram has 1 billion active monthly users. While you can find any target group here, 25-34 is once again the most represented. That makes Facebook and Instagram the top social accounts for interacting with Millennials.
  • Twitter – Twitter is where you will find Gen X. There are 187 million daily actives. So while this may not be as many as the Meta social sites, the users are very active.
  • Pinterest – Pinterest is your other meeting point for Gen X. There are more than 400 million active users each month, and they are predominantly in the 30-49 age group (the same as Twitter).

For a younger audience that reaches into Gen Z, try social sites like TikTok and Snapchat. YouTube is also popular among younger audiences. However, with over 2 billion active users, the Google-owned video site will have any audience you are searching for.

Making Your Hotel Ready for the Internet

A1 American provides supplies that will make your hotel look its best when appearing on social media. Call 833.205.2200 today to order the best hospitality supplies, and don’t forget to stock up on essential care products.

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