Facts to Consider Regarding COVID-19 School Openings 1

Facts to Consider Regarding COVID-19 School Openings

Some schools are still remote, while others are completely open. There are also schools using a hybrid method with some students in class and others learning remotely. While there is not enough data yet to see the impact that various strategies are having on the safety of students and faculty, there are some early statistics that provide valuable insights. Here are a few things that have been reported.

  • The infection rate is higher for teachers than for students – What may be the reason behind this issue? One reason could be that teachers come in contact with more students throughout the day as well as other staff members. In contrast, kids may tend to keep to themselves and their inner circle of friends at this time.
  • Hybrid models may be better for students – Schools with all students in person for learning have a higher infection rate among the students. For some reason, hybrid models are showing higher infection rates among staff, even though there are fewer infections among the kids at these schools.
  • Most schools are taking precautionary measures to protect faculty and students – The most common precautions being taken at this time are at-home screenings, wearing masks, and improving ventilation. Social distancing, unfortunately, is less common. Perhaps this is because many schools couldn’t afford to find ways to have fewer kids in a class if they opted for full in-school learning.

Protect Your Staff and Students with Essential Care Products

Regardless of where your school district finds itself in the above statistics, one thing is clear. Wearing masks is helping to save lives. A1 American is supplying the masks, hand sanitizer, and other essential care products that schools need, especially now that we are also entering flu season. Call 833.205.2200 to place an order today.

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