Get Ready to Welcome Corporate Meetings Back to Your Hotel 1

Get Ready to Welcome Corporate Meetings Back to Your Hotel

If your hotel’s conference rooms have sat mostly empty over the past couple of years, you can get ready for the masses to begin to return. Recent research shows that travel for corporate business meetings is starting to recover. Here are a few things from the study that you should know.

  • The number of event attendees is returning to pre-pandemic levels – In February of 2019, the average corporate hotel event had 115 attendees. This number dropped all the way down to just 39 during February of 2021. Vaccines had made in-person events possible again, but the Delta variant that was still surging at the time kept the number of in-person attendees down. Now, in February of 2022, that average number was all the way back up to 102. So business events are growing in size once again.
  • Events are using less space for more people – Social distancing is also being relaxed by corporations. We can see this in the average number of people per square foot at these events. The average was 25 square feet per person in 2019. It increased to 40 square feet last year but has returned to an average of 24 square feet this year.
  • The total volume of business meeting attendance was up 340% over the 12-month period from February 2021 to 2022.

Is Your Hotel Ready for Returning Businesspersons?

At A1 American, we have the hospitality supplies that can help. We even offer essential care products that will help you to keep both your staff and guests as safe as possible. Call 833.205.2200 to learn more today!

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