Is Space the Hospitality Industry’s New Frontier 1

Is Space the Hospitality Industry’s New Frontier?

The AX-1 mission to the International Space Station is unlike any other. This is the first time a team of private astronauts will travel to the ISS, live there for eight days, and get to conduct research. This is a far cry from the typical aircraft and hotel for travel, with one exception. A travel agent connected them to the experience. That raises the question, is space travel the future of the hospitality industry?

It’s a question everyone in the travel industry needs to ask themselves. From travel to accommodations to food to amenities, space travel requires everything that domestic and international travel requires. It just takes another degree of risk, expense, and courage. So while space travel is far from being the norm for family vacations, it may become more and more appealing to millionaire and billionaire travelers who feel like they’ve done everything there is to do here on Earth.

In the meantime, your hotel doesn’t need to build a space station to accommodate guests. In fact, even though domestic travel is by far more common right now, international travel is slowly beginning to show signs of recovery. And it makes the industry hopeful for what this summer will look like.

Hospitality Supplies for More “Local” Travel

A1 American is proud to provide the supplies that hospitality business here on Earth need in order to welcome back guests. Give us a call today at 833.205.2200 for all your hospitality supply needs, and don’t forget to order the essential care products you need to protect your staff and guests as the BA.2 variant makes its rounds.

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