Here Is What Every Hotelier Needs to Know About Maintaining Their Reputation 1

Here Is What Every Hotelier Needs to Know About Maintaining Their Reputation

Your hotel reputation is extremely important and should be prioritized. It may be the difference between a traveler choosing their stay at your venue, versus with a competitor. You may even be able to charge a premium if you are the most trusted hotel in the area. Here are a few quick tips for boosting your hotel’s reputation:

  • Develop a strategy – your hotel reputation management strategy should include metrics that provide measurable data on your customers’ experience. This is more than just reviews. You need to know what parts of the stay your customers are enjoying, what they didn’t like and why.
  • Responding to reviews – everyone knows there is an art to responding to negative reviews. What many hoteliers forget is to respond to positive reviews. These people already love your hotel. Reach out to see if they are willing to take a further survey where you can learn more about what they love. Offer perks in return for completing the survey.
  • Focus on your strengths – is your hotel exceptionally clean? Do you have a high-end restaurant, spa, or fitness facility? Are you using sustainable products and processes to benefit the environment? Make sure the public knows!

Helping Maintain Your Reputation with the Best Hotel Supplies

A1 American is proud to provide hotels across the U.S. with the supplies you need in order to thrive. From bedsheets and towels to essential care products like hand sanitizing stations and PPE, we can help you to live up to the high standards of modern travelers. Contact us today at 833.205.2200 to get your order started.

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