How Sustainably Conscious Choices Can Help Your Hotel Thrive 1

How Sustainably Conscious Choices Can Help Your Hotel Thrive

According to recent studies, 9 out of every 10 travelers are interested in sustainable travel. Unfortunately, about 7 in 10 stated that the entire process of traveling in a more sustainable way is overwhelming. They’re simply not sure where to start or even where to look for information. According to the research, 47% of travelers look to the lodging providers themselves to report sustainable actions they are taking. How can your hotel benefit from this information?

Obviously, guests crave sustainable travel. Your hotel can report on the things you are doing to make a guest’s stay more sustainable. The fact is that consumers are even willing to pay more to make their trip more sustainable. In fact, 51% of responders to the survey stated they would pay more for lodging if there was a sustainable option available. That’s a whopping number!

What other information can you provide to travelers to help them make their stay more sustainable?

  • Recommend local businesses so guests can shop local
  • Provide green transportation options (e.g., electric bike rentals for enjoying the local area)
  • Tips for integrating with the local culture while visiting
  • Recommendations on how to pack sustainably for the trip

Supplies to Help You Provide a Sustainable Stay

A1 American has been providing high-quality supplies for hospitality businesses for decades. One way that we are helping hotels to offer a more sustainable stay is by providing amenity dispensers as an alternative to single-use plastic bottles. To get your order started today as well as learn more about our products and how to find the best facility fit for you, give us a call at 833.205.2200 to be connected to our team!

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