How to Meet the Expectations of Millennials in the Hotel Industry 1

How to Meet the Expectations of Millennials in the Hotel Industry

Millennials now make up the bulk of consumers in the hospitality industry, and they are expecting more than ever from brands. Here are a few things you need to accomplish to accommodate millennials with the sort of service that they expect from a hospitality company:

  • More variety in support channels – while older generations are happy with phone support, millennials want a variety of options for getting in touch with a live customer support representative. Support channels must include chat, messaging, email, social media, and phone options.
  • Provide self-service solutions – what is the only thing Millennials will appreciate more than a variety of options for getting in touch with a customer service rep? Not having to interact with your team to get what they want. Millennials often prefer self-service options. So be sure that whether they make a phone call or start up a chat, the initial options are all automated. AI is important so that consumers can find the information they need rapidly.
  • Personalized experiences – according to researchers, more than half of Millennials prefer service options and experiences that are customized to their specific needs. Be sure to offer a variety of convenient packages and have the staff trained to help guests determine which one is best for them (if they didn’t already choose one from the website when booking).

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