Tips to Help Your Employees Improve Their Work-Life Balance 1

Tips to Help Your Employees Improve Their Work-Life Balance

A major factor contributing to the shortage of workers in the hospitality industry is burnout. It’s been a long couple of years. Hotels and other hospitality businesses had to make major cutbacks. Then as return to travel began, employees found themselves “stuck” working long or odd schedules due to staffing shortages. Helping your employees to strike a good work-life balance can be one way to retain your current employees. Here are a few tips:

  • Remind your employees to unplug – make sure your staff knows it’s okay for them to disconnect and enjoy their family when they are not on the clock. Yes, you may at times call them when someone can’t make it for their shift, but you don’t expect them to be sitting by the phone waiting for that call.
  • Consider adjusting vacation and leave policies – specifically, consider how many vacation days you can give your employees, if there are any opportunities for remote work, and whether you can expand maternity or paternity leave.
  • Provide childcare options – if your business can’t have an in-house daycare, then consider working with a local daycare to get a good rate at a trusted facility in the area.
  • Let them bring a pet to work – you’d be surprised how much happier your employees will be if they can bring a pet to work, even just once in a while. Consider making a less busy day of the week a “bring your pet to work” day.

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