What Does the Increase in Telehealth Medicine Mean for Your Healthcare Facility 1

What Does the Increase in Telehealth Medicine Mean for Your Healthcare Facility?

Telehealth has seen a sudden surge, thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. The CDC released their first report regarding this about a month ago. In part, the report reveals that March 2020 saw a 154% bump in telehealth visits. This demand is due partially to pandemic restrictions and partially due to fears of going to a doctor’s office during a health crisis.

For example, the report also noted estimates of upwards of 40% of adults in the US delaying care or just avoiding it altogether because of concerns of getting COVID-19 at a healthcare facility. The US is about nine months into the battle with this pandemic, and many people who have not had it yet are unwilling to risk getting it for a checkup or an elective procedure.

While healthcare facilities are doing all they can to dispel fears and keep patients safe, telehealth may be an essential element of your practice from here forward. At the same time, about two-thirds of telehealth visits are for those between the ages of 18 and 49. So your practice may still have to rely heavily on in-house patients when it comes to children and seniors, and that includes after the pandemic is over.

Healthcare Supplies and Essential Care Products to Keep Your Staff Covered

In the meantime, you still need essential care supplies to protect your staff and patients who decide to come into the office. A1 American has you covered, with many of the healthcare supplies that your facility will require during the pandemic and beyond. Give us a call today at 833.205. 2200 to learn more.

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