Essential Protects for the Hospitality Industry to Protect Your Staff and Guests .docx

Essential Products for the Hospitality Industry to Protect Your Staff and Guests

A1 American has a full catalog of PPE products that you can make use of at your hotel or other hospitality industry business. However, we’re going to take a closer look at some of the items in our product line to show you where in the hotel they can be useful for protecting both your staff as well as your guests during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.

  • Non-Contact, Infrared Thermometers – This is a crucial item to have in the lobby. In fact, you should be checking the temperature of everyone who enters the hotel, both employees and patrons. If someone has a fever, you can’t allow them to enter the hotel and potentially spread a contagious disease.
  • PPE Welcome Kits for Guests – Make your guests feel welcome and provide them with some of the essentials that they may have forgotten right as they enter the door. Our welcome kits contain one 3-layer disposable mask, two alcohol wipes, and two hand sanitizer gel packs.
  • Hand Sanitizer Dispensing Station – From the lobby to the restaurant to the gym to outside the elevator on each floor, you need to have convenient locations throughout the hotel where guests can sanitize their hands. Stand-alone or wall-mounted dispensers can help you to get this essential product into the locations it needs to be.

Helping to Make the Hospitality Industry Safer for Travelers

A1 American is proud to be helping the hospitality industry get back on its feet during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Call us today at 833.205.2200 to get your order started.

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