Tips to Help You Select the Ideal Call Center for Your Hotel 1

Tips to Help You Select the Ideal Call Center for Your Hotel

In order to keep up with the demand of individuals returning to travel while still navigating a staffing crisis, many hotels are using call centers to handle reservations. However, the degree of customer service and professionalism offered by calls centers varies greatly. So here are a few things to look for to help you hire the right call center that will be able to bring in more reservations and improve your hotel’s revenue: 

  • A properly trained staff with knowledge of your hotel – when someone picks up a phone and makes a call, they want to speak with someone who knows what they are talking about. They’ll be able to tell if the person who picks up the phone knows a lot about your hotel or if they are reading the answers off of their notes.
  • Good problem-solving skills – travelers face a lot of challenges right now. They want to know about restrictions due to the pandemic, safety measures that are in place, flexible options for cancelling or moving their trip, and so on. When the call center receives a call from a customer like that, you want them to be able to handle the issue well.
  • Empathetic customer service reps – you don’t know what kind of mental state the caller will be in. Is someone calling to cancel a trip because their loved one is in the hospital with Covid? Are they only coming to your hotel while making arrangements for a funeral for a loved one who has died in the area? The CSR who answers the phone needs to be able to stay calm and help the guest through the conversation. 

Pampering Guests Once They Arrive

Call centers can help with reservations, but once a guest arrives at your hotel, you need to pull out all the stops to make them become a loyal customer. Using hospitality industry supplies from A1 American is a good place to start. Call 833.205.2200 to get in touch about starting your order today, and don’t forget to ask us about our wide inventory of essential products as well!

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